Saturday, July 23, 2011
Screw you 100 degrees
It's freaking hot out there. I don't ever remember Florida feeling this humid and hot, that's saying a lot. I hope to be fully over my cold by Monday so I can start working out again, I miss it.
Not Just a Cold
Last Tuesday night (July 13) I was standing in the living room contemplating if I really needed to put on pants and head to the store. Don’t get me wrong, I know I need pants to go to the store my contemplation was, did I want to make the effort to put on pants and go to the store. N~ came to visit for Fourth of July and most kindly gave both of us the plague (ok maybe it was really just a cold). But I was feeling lazy and didn’t really want to leave the house but the curiosity was killing me. I hadn’t been feeling myself for a few days. I was cranky, tired and couldn’t get out of my own way. But it didn’t feel like just a cold, nor did it feel like the same ol’ PMS that I was used to.
On Monday, K~ made our morning latte’s and because I was running a little behind he put mine right into a to-go cup. As pulled out of the neighborhood, picked up my cup opened the lid and took the first sip of heaven, only heaven tasted burnt and acidic it made my mouth water and my stomach turn. My plague was a little stranger then I previously thought.
This “odd” feeling mixed with the fact that when I finally went through my emails on Tuesday I found a “period reminder“ from my iPhone (yes I realize that is lame, but I am a busy girl and I have lots going on, I don’t want to have to remember my period). My email simply stated, “ Your period is expected July 10, 2011”. Usually I get that reminder and I am like, duh…I know that, a girl knows her body. But this time it was 2 days late, I am NEVER two days late, one day early, two days early… but never LATE!!!
So I put on my pants (I know the signs only say “no shoes, no shirts, no service ”…but I still think without pants they would have made me leave) and told Keith I was running an errand. He wanted to know where I was going, but I wasn’t saying. He said “Ohhh, usually that’s a good sign, you’ll come back with something good” (that really made me giggle). I replied with “I am going to buy a pregnancy test…” jaw dropping ensued, followed by a few reallys and a nice. Good Response ☺
After peeing on the stick (well 2 actually, if I had a third on I would have made Keith pee on one as a scientific control) the results are in, I am pregnant. We are still absorbing the shock of it, but we knew we wouldn’t be able to keep the secret long so we told the parents, sisters, brothers and a few close friends last weekend
So from all my reading, running is fine as long as it's comfortable, but right now I am still hacking up a lung so all cardio is on hold. But I think I am out of half training because I don't know if I am supposed to add milage during pregnancy and I am only up to 5 miles. My new plan once I am healthy is to swim 3 days a week at lunch and run 2-3 days, 2 on a treadmill at lunch so I can jump off if I feel bad and maybe one weekend day outside.
I haven't posted anything on Facebook (so you all are in my confidence) and please if you are friends with me there as well, no posts till I post first.
On Monday, K~ made our morning latte’s and because I was running a little behind he put mine right into a to-go cup. As pulled out of the neighborhood, picked up my cup opened the lid and took the first sip of heaven, only heaven tasted burnt and acidic it made my mouth water and my stomach turn. My plague was a little stranger then I previously thought.
This “odd” feeling mixed with the fact that when I finally went through my emails on Tuesday I found a “period reminder“ from my iPhone (yes I realize that is lame, but I am a busy girl and I have lots going on, I don’t want to have to remember my period). My email simply stated, “ Your period is expected July 10, 2011”. Usually I get that reminder and I am like, duh…I know that, a girl knows her body. But this time it was 2 days late, I am NEVER two days late, one day early, two days early… but never LATE!!!
So I put on my pants (I know the signs only say “no shoes, no shirts, no service ”…but I still think without pants they would have made me leave) and told Keith I was running an errand. He wanted to know where I was going, but I wasn’t saying. He said “Ohhh, usually that’s a good sign, you’ll come back with something good” (that really made me giggle). I replied with “I am going to buy a pregnancy test…” jaw dropping ensued, followed by a few reallys and a nice. Good Response ☺
After peeing on the stick (well 2 actually, if I had a third on I would have made Keith pee on one as a scientific control) the results are in, I am pregnant. We are still absorbing the shock of it, but we knew we wouldn’t be able to keep the secret long so we told the parents, sisters, brothers and a few close friends last weekend
So from all my reading, running is fine as long as it's comfortable, but right now I am still hacking up a lung so all cardio is on hold. But I think I am out of half training because I don't know if I am supposed to add milage during pregnancy and I am only up to 5 miles. My new plan once I am healthy is to swim 3 days a week at lunch and run 2-3 days, 2 on a treadmill at lunch so I can jump off if I feel bad and maybe one weekend day outside.
I haven't posted anything on Facebook (so you all are in my confidence) and please if you are friends with me there as well, no posts till I post first.
Monday, July 11, 2011
Cross training and lunch workouts
I still have a cold, but I am not coughing as much as I have been, so I worked out. I went to the pool at work.. And it made me feel so out of shape, and I have been running for a few months now.
I am having trouble getting myself to work out in the evenings so yesterday I decided to start working out during lunch at the pool or gym. This is going to make me embrace a piece of training equipment that I have been avoiding like the plague...the DREADMILL... Today was in the 90s and tomorrow may reach 100, that isn't good for running. Tonight I am going to set up my iPod with a bunch of killer music because I get so bored on the wheel that I want to quit after 5 minutes even if I am NOT tired. I don't have that same problem outside when I run without music... Meh, here's to the new leaf for loving A/C. Then in the fall when it is cooler during lunch I can run outside during lunch... I can't wait for the fall...
As for cross training I am going through a 0-1650 swim trainer. The point of the this program to condition me to be able to swim a nautical mile in six weeks. I have always loved being in the water and I used to swim EVERYDAY at lunch when I was younger and in much better shape. I miss those days.
Here's to new schedules!!!
I am having trouble getting myself to work out in the evenings so yesterday I decided to start working out during lunch at the pool or gym. This is going to make me embrace a piece of training equipment that I have been avoiding like the plague...the DREADMILL... Today was in the 90s and tomorrow may reach 100, that isn't good for running. Tonight I am going to set up my iPod with a bunch of killer music because I get so bored on the wheel that I want to quit after 5 minutes even if I am NOT tired. I don't have that same problem outside when I run without music... Meh, here's to the new leaf for loving A/C. Then in the fall when it is cooler during lunch I can run outside during lunch... I can't wait for the fall...
As for cross training I am going through a 0-1650 swim trainer. The point of the this program to condition me to be able to swim a nautical mile in six weeks. I have always loved being in the water and I used to swim EVERYDAY at lunch when I was younger and in much better shape. I miss those days.
Here's to new schedules!!!
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Scare tactics
I am a little scared that the pamphlet for my half marathon in December says " some for Hospital Hill at mile 11.." or the stories of sleet on past race days I heard while running yesterday.
I don't know if I am ready for anything with hospital in the name, and SLEET... what did I get myself into??
Any who just venting, aren't you glad I talked you all into this???
Three miles tomorrow.
Not sore from yesterday, slightly tight calves but that is the worst of it. VFF's pass the five mile marker.
I don't know if I am ready for anything with hospital in the name, and SLEET... what did I get myself into??
Any who just venting, aren't you glad I talked you all into this???
Three miles tomorrow.
Not sore from yesterday, slightly tight calves but that is the worst of it. VFF's pass the five mile marker.
Monday, July 4, 2011
5 Miler DONE
My day started early this morning. I was up at 5:45, 15 minutes before my alarm was set to go off. I guess my body really wanted to go for the 5 Mile run.
I got to the registration desk at 6:35 (they said get there early to avoid lines), but there were no lines. So I registered in about 5 minutes and had a lot of time to people watch before the run started. The one thing I noticed is that runners come in all different shapes and sizes. I saw skeletons and pumpkins.
I lined up near the back of the pack (I know my limitations) Once the race started I tried to remind myself that I needed to pace myself for the race because 5 miles is not my normal 2-3. So off I trotted. Mile one I was at an 11 and some pace. Not to bad considering all my training runs here in Virginia have been 12+, I guess the training on hills is paying off ( I say hill training like it is something purposeful, like I have a choice in the fact the my house is surrounded by hills. ) Mile 2...I was at 22 and some change, a steady pace. This was the first water stop. I have never maneuvered a water stop, so I took a cup and just walked a few steps while I drank my ICE COLD water (I think I would have liked it a bit warmer, but that is personal preference) I had a couple of inquires about my shoes, and seeing I was able to respond quite easily I knew I wasn't over exerting myself. At mile 3, I got the chills and I was thinking....hummm I hope that isn't a bad sign. But I just kept going by this time I was running along the river and it was quite shady. Not too terrible. By mile 4, I was still maintaining the same pace but struggling to keep it. But I hadn't walked a step yet. And the only step I did walk were those at the water stop and 5 steps during the last .25 mile (there was a really big hill and I made it up most of hill but I didn't have the power to crest it.) From there I could see the finish line.
I just kept on truckin', there was a women who I had been running a few steps behind the whole race. So as we were approaching the finish like I was gaining on her, I said to her "We've come so far, don't let me beat you now". I crossed the finish line with a 55.36 gun time. I won't get my chip time until later I guess, but either way I am completely satisified with my results.
I got to the registration desk at 6:35 (they said get there early to avoid lines), but there were no lines. So I registered in about 5 minutes and had a lot of time to people watch before the run started. The one thing I noticed is that runners come in all different shapes and sizes. I saw skeletons and pumpkins.
I lined up near the back of the pack (I know my limitations) Once the race started I tried to remind myself that I needed to pace myself for the race because 5 miles is not my normal 2-3. So off I trotted. Mile one I was at an 11 and some pace. Not to bad considering all my training runs here in Virginia have been 12+, I guess the training on hills is paying off ( I say hill training like it is something purposeful, like I have a choice in the fact the my house is surrounded by hills. ) Mile 2...I was at 22 and some change, a steady pace. This was the first water stop. I have never maneuvered a water stop, so I took a cup and just walked a few steps while I drank my ICE COLD water (I think I would have liked it a bit warmer, but that is personal preference) I had a couple of inquires about my shoes, and seeing I was able to respond quite easily I knew I wasn't over exerting myself. At mile 3, I got the chills and I was thinking....hummm I hope that isn't a bad sign. But I just kept going by this time I was running along the river and it was quite shady. Not too terrible. By mile 4, I was still maintaining the same pace but struggling to keep it. But I hadn't walked a step yet. And the only step I did walk were those at the water stop and 5 steps during the last .25 mile (there was a really big hill and I made it up most of hill but I didn't have the power to crest it.) From there I could see the finish line.
I just kept on truckin', there was a women who I had been running a few steps behind the whole race. So as we were approaching the finish like I was gaining on her, I said to her "We've come so far, don't let me beat you now". I crossed the finish line with a 55.36 gun time. I won't get my chip time until later I guess, but either way I am completely satisified with my results.
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Training adjustment
Changing my 5 mile race to tomorrow. And making my scheduled 5 mile race into a six mile training run.
Not sure where the document containing my training schedule is but that's the new plan.
Not sure where the document containing my training schedule is but that's the new plan.
forced inspiration ... Thank You Sister.
Today I went for a relaxing two mile run and not 30 minutes after I got a text from my sister that said "Today on the training schedule was a 5 mile run..." A gentle reminder that maybe I was being lazy. Just a little... So to make amends I am getting up EARLY tomorrow and running a 5 miler with 700+ of my closest friends. So I guess I should thank her for her reminder that I am falling behind on my training.
I will let you know tommorrow how it went.
I will let you know tommorrow how it went.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
slow, cranky and wet
well the title about says it all. I have been lacking a bit of motivation since moving to Virginia. I don't feel comfortable running in the dark and 5pm is a little humid and hot for running. Tonight it rained on my commute home so I thought I wasn't going to get a chance to run but it stopped right as we got home. I hemmed and hawed...ate some dinner and decided that instead of having seconds for dinner I would run. Halfway through my run it started sprinkling...I just kept thinking ran or don't but this halfway crap is doing nothing but getting my glasses wet and it's annoying. Then it started a steady slow rain and I immediately thought...shit, sprinkling isn't so bad. It did make for a beautiful rainbow on my last leg home though.
I am trying to get myself ready for a half marathon in September in NH, but I am not sure if I will be ready. I am totally committed to the December Half, but the September seems a tad close when I haven't run a step over 4 miles EVER. I think I am scared of 5 miles :( and that means I am terrified of 13.1. Baby steps to the finish line...and lately all my runs have been baby steps, so I guess I am getting closer.
The scenery here is beautiful, it's green, lush and even smells pretty, especially after a good rain. I still like it more than Florida, but I am ready to fall into a routine and have my training weeks fly by and be running up the double digits like it's natural.
I am trying to get myself ready for a half marathon in September in NH, but I am not sure if I will be ready. I am totally committed to the December Half, but the September seems a tad close when I haven't run a step over 4 miles EVER. I think I am scared of 5 miles :( and that means I am terrified of 13.1. Baby steps to the finish line...and lately all my runs have been baby steps, so I guess I am getting closer.
The scenery here is beautiful, it's green, lush and even smells pretty, especially after a good rain. I still like it more than Florida, but I am ready to fall into a routine and have my training weeks fly by and be running up the double digits like it's natural.
Saturday, June 25, 2011
So I have been in VA for two weeks, and when I went for my first run I couldn't even run the whole mile to the end of the road...HILLLLLLLSSSSSS were killing me, Kissimmee was really flat and it almost felt like I was starting over. I hadn't been running in about three weeks and I apparently lost some stamina during that time. This morning I got dressed and set out, I am not sure what my speed was, but I only walked twice in the 3.30 miles... I RAN ALL THE HILLS. It's a funny thing, I didnt walk any of the hills, I walked twice on the flat area...this made me realize that I get really bored when the terrain isn't changing, flats make me want to quit, slight inclines and declines keep life interesting. I am also more concentrated on the running when I don't have any technology with me. Having my GPS with me makes me want to check it when I get bored or distracted....that just makes my run feel sooooo long. Today all I had to occupy me were my thoughts...Keep breathing, look at the pretty house...oh a bunny and shit girl pick up your feet. When I get tired I stub my toes, which really hurts in VFFs.
till my next run....
till my next run....
Thursday, June 23, 2011
commuting, summer and a landlord
I have kind of been lazy about cross training. And I have only managed one run so far this week, I am going to running tomorrow night. Then the long run on Sunday. This wont put me too far behind, I won't have missed any runs this week only the cross training.
Next week I will be more situated in my work environment, I am going to start going to the pool to swim laps for my cross training. I think K~ and I are going to start commuting in together, that will give me plenty of time to take a long lunch and work out. I am hoping that this will just become habit over time. Unfortunately, where I work the pool is 5 miles from my office so I think I may just drive the truck to work and park it for the week. Then drive it home on Friday night. Running 5 miles then swimming is a little out of my league right now...maybe someday soon.
Tonight I was going to go for a 3er...but my landlord is here and he is fixing some random stuff around the house. 2 of our toilets run, the sprayer in the sink leaks, the dining room light needed replaced and also a window won't stay in the track. So now instead of running I am drinking beer and and watching the Daily Show while he fixes things before they become our responsibility... yeah for leases.
Tomorrow is Friday!!! YAY one week of work DONE!!! And so far I don't hate it, in fact it kind of rocks!
OH and it got kinda hot here! Almost Florida HOT,
Next week I will be more situated in my work environment, I am going to start going to the pool to swim laps for my cross training. I think K~ and I are going to start commuting in together, that will give me plenty of time to take a long lunch and work out. I am hoping that this will just become habit over time. Unfortunately, where I work the pool is 5 miles from my office so I think I may just drive the truck to work and park it for the week. Then drive it home on Friday night. Running 5 miles then swimming is a little out of my league right now...maybe someday soon.
Tonight I was going to go for a 3er...but my landlord is here and he is fixing some random stuff around the house. 2 of our toilets run, the sprayer in the sink leaks, the dining room light needed replaced and also a window won't stay in the track. So now instead of running I am drinking beer and and watching the Daily Show while he fixes things before they become our responsibility... yeah for leases.
Tomorrow is Friday!!! YAY one week of work DONE!!! And so far I don't hate it, in fact it kind of rocks!
OH and it got kinda hot here! Almost Florida HOT,
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Disappearing posts.
So I started typing a post and it disappeared... Don't know how that happened but it did, glad I only wrote two sentences and not paragraphs.
I am finally in Virginia and getting settled quite nicely. I was supposed it officially start my half marathon training on Monday but I was so exhausted that I didn't manage to get out and run until today. I ran three miles, given that there were hills through my whole run I don't feel too badly, but I have definitely lost some stamina and fitness since my last run. K~ thinks that the next few months are going to be really busy for him work wise, maybe lots of travel. I hope that will give me time to train the way I am supposed to.
So now that I am getting down to training seriously I am going to start keeping track of my food intake. One of my secondary goals is to lose the 30 lbs or so I need to. As of this morning I am 180. My ultimate goal would be 140, but I am not sure if that is realistic or not. So I will aim for 150 then reevaluate.
My new job has a pool, so I am going to cross train in the pool and do laps. I found a 0-1600 meters training program that I may attempt if I can manage to get into the pool 3 times a week. I don't really think it will be an issue, but we are still working out the commute situation. K~'s job has him traveling to another work location, which may be inconvenient for carpooling, but we will see.
Tomorrow I am going to attempt another 2 miles. For now relaxing and figuring out that I need to do to get a car registered here in VA...and I suppose I may need a drivers license as well.
I am finally in Virginia and getting settled quite nicely. I was supposed it officially start my half marathon training on Monday but I was so exhausted that I didn't manage to get out and run until today. I ran three miles, given that there were hills through my whole run I don't feel too badly, but I have definitely lost some stamina and fitness since my last run. K~ thinks that the next few months are going to be really busy for him work wise, maybe lots of travel. I hope that will give me time to train the way I am supposed to.
So now that I am getting down to training seriously I am going to start keeping track of my food intake. One of my secondary goals is to lose the 30 lbs or so I need to. As of this morning I am 180. My ultimate goal would be 140, but I am not sure if that is realistic or not. So I will aim for 150 then reevaluate.
My new job has a pool, so I am going to cross train in the pool and do laps. I found a 0-1600 meters training program that I may attempt if I can manage to get into the pool 3 times a week. I don't really think it will be an issue, but we are still working out the commute situation. K~'s job has him traveling to another work location, which may be inconvenient for carpooling, but we will see.
Tomorrow I am going to attempt another 2 miles. For now relaxing and figuring out that I need to do to get a car registered here in VA...and I suppose I may need a drivers license as well.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Schedule Insanity
I have learned that having a lot of time on my hands to look at calendars and count weeks leads to only one thing. SCHEDULE OVERLOAD… I really need some work to keep me from forming these elaborate plans in my head.
Today’s plan: Step 1. Collect underwear …Step 3 profit! ok so maybe that plan was lifted from the underwear gnomes, but I feel like the plan I made makes about as much sense. Maybe it is because I haven’t eaten yet, so I am delirious with hunger and it’s causing me to hallucinate the ability my body has to carry me for 13.1 miles and the time frame I need to do that, but what the fuck I am going to go with the gut here and run 2 half marathons this year… WHAT WHAT WHAT (no really that’s the plan, you’ll discover its genius as you read further)
One of my good friends W~ is getting married on Labor Day Weekend and I will be in NH for that event. That also just happens to be the weekend of the covered bridge half marathon in NH. I love September in NH… I love covered bridges. There are 12-weeks between my move to VA and the Covered Bridge Half Marathon… my sister and I were looking for a race to run that weekend that wasn’t on Monday when I will be driving back to VA or Saturday (wedding day). Covered bridge is on a Sunday!!
Who’s sensing a theme? I AM
I wanted to be able to get through Hal’s training plans 2 times before the December half…so I needed to start training diligently 24 weeks before December 11, 2011.
It turns out with all my backwards planning (starting at the Blue and Gray Half and working through the training schedule back to now) I have time to train for both these events with a recovery week * in between. I also think that I need more races to look forward to, in the back of my mind I know that it only takes 12 weeks to train for a half marathon. With the Blue and Gray so far away, I was having trouble buckling down and training the way I should.
Problem solved. I am now running five 6 races between now and December 11, 2011. There is a 5K, a 5- miler, a 10K, a 10-miler (this one comes with BEER) and 2 half marathons.
This plan also gives me the ability to not feel guilty for sloughing off on my running between now and my move to Virginia. I am packing and I have a house guest… saying “sorry dude I know you are here for the first time in 16 years but I gotta go, be back in an hour, and then you can watch me pack boxes until I go to sleep” seem rude. And I am not usually a rude person, not intentionally anyway.
Here’s my training plans…for both Halfs (I am sure that isn’t a word but I don’t think halves is right in this case). I hope my sister will train for this with me, I know it is an aggressive plan but I know we can do it.

*or 2 depending on my ability to walk after my first half
Today’s plan: Step 1. Collect underwear …Step 3 profit! ok so maybe that plan was lifted from the underwear gnomes, but I feel like the plan I made makes about as much sense. Maybe it is because I haven’t eaten yet, so I am delirious with hunger and it’s causing me to hallucinate the ability my body has to carry me for 13.1 miles and the time frame I need to do that, but what the fuck I am going to go with the gut here and run 2 half marathons this year… WHAT WHAT WHAT (no really that’s the plan, you’ll discover its genius as you read further)
One of my good friends W~ is getting married on Labor Day Weekend and I will be in NH for that event. That also just happens to be the weekend of the covered bridge half marathon in NH. I love September in NH… I love covered bridges. There are 12-weeks between my move to VA and the Covered Bridge Half Marathon… my sister and I were looking for a race to run that weekend that wasn’t on Monday when I will be driving back to VA or Saturday (wedding day). Covered bridge is on a Sunday!!
Who’s sensing a theme? I AM
I wanted to be able to get through Hal’s training plans 2 times before the December half…so I needed to start training diligently 24 weeks before December 11, 2011.
It turns out with all my backwards planning (starting at the Blue and Gray Half and working through the training schedule back to now) I have time to train for both these events with a recovery week * in between. I also think that I need more races to look forward to, in the back of my mind I know that it only takes 12 weeks to train for a half marathon. With the Blue and Gray so far away, I was having trouble buckling down and training the way I should.
Problem solved. I am now running five 6 races between now and December 11, 2011. There is a 5K, a 5- miler, a 10K, a 10-miler (this one comes with BEER) and 2 half marathons.
This plan also gives me the ability to not feel guilty for sloughing off on my running between now and my move to Virginia. I am packing and I have a house guest… saying “sorry dude I know you are here for the first time in 16 years but I gotta go, be back in an hour, and then you can watch me pack boxes until I go to sleep” seem rude. And I am not usually a rude person, not intentionally anyway.
Here’s my training plans…for both Halfs (I am sure that isn’t a word but I don’t think halves is right in this case). I hope my sister will train for this with me, I know it is an aggressive plan but I know we can do it.

*or 2 depending on my ability to walk after my first half
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Today was an early day, up at three to take K~ to the airport. By 5:15 I was sitting in my truck trying to nap until it was a respectable time to go to work. I was barely awake and Starbucks wasn’t even open… so much for the much needed energy boost.
I was already contemplating my excuses for not running tonight, it’s hot (of couse it is FLORIDA weather sucks), I am tired (duh, 3 hours of sleep will do that to you), I have to pack (no shit you are MOVING in 2 weeks and a few days). I have excuses like nobody else.
But as I was formulating my best excuse and surfing Facebook (there really isn’t much else to do at 5am in a parking lot, and sleeping wasn’t working) I messaged a friend regarding her post, I could tell from the tone something was wrong. I was right… her fiancé stepped on an IED yesterday. He is now down one leg and part of a hand (I am flippant because that’s how I handle bad news). Reading that was like a shot in the gut, S~ is a young, fun, energetic crazy ass, and he deserves to all his appendages.
So now I am sitting at work, my mind racing and I feel like a long run or a really short all out sprint will help quell the voices fighting for air and release some of the stress that is building as I sit here unable to help in any way.
I was definitely looking for motivation for my run tonight, but I was thinking more along the lines of being chased by a dog, or needing to get out of the house because the kid was driving me nuts, not this. I think that every time I try to shrug off a run I am going to remember that I am lucky to have all my parts, and that they are all in great working order, if only we could all be so lucky…
I was already contemplating my excuses for not running tonight, it’s hot (of couse it is FLORIDA weather sucks), I am tired (duh, 3 hours of sleep will do that to you), I have to pack (no shit you are MOVING in 2 weeks and a few days). I have excuses like nobody else.
But as I was formulating my best excuse and surfing Facebook (there really isn’t much else to do at 5am in a parking lot, and sleeping wasn’t working) I messaged a friend regarding her post, I could tell from the tone something was wrong. I was right… her fiancé stepped on an IED yesterday. He is now down one leg and part of a hand (I am flippant because that’s how I handle bad news). Reading that was like a shot in the gut, S~ is a young, fun, energetic crazy ass, and he deserves to all his appendages.
So now I am sitting at work, my mind racing and I feel like a long run or a really short all out sprint will help quell the voices fighting for air and release some of the stress that is building as I sit here unable to help in any way.
I was definitely looking for motivation for my run tonight, but I was thinking more along the lines of being chased by a dog, or needing to get out of the house because the kid was driving me nuts, not this. I think that every time I try to shrug off a run I am going to remember that I am lucky to have all my parts, and that they are all in great working order, if only we could all be so lucky…
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Pussy foot
So lately I have had an issue with my left foot falling asleep and getting tingly while I run. I have been running exclusively in my VFF Bikilas and around mile 2 lefty gets tingly and then eventually it feels like I am running on a stump. Not so great for my form or for my feet. On Thursday I ran about 2.3 miles before my foot went to sleep. Then I took off my shoes and jogged barefoot all the way home after a bit of feeling came back into my foot. So today, my 4 miler day I decided to do an experiment. I laced up my New Balances with arch support insoles and set out on my merry way. I was feeling pretty good, running my little hiney (ok big hiney) around the neighborhood and low and behold at mile 2.6 my righty went to sleep. Lefty was wide awake and ready to kill the last bit of pavement. At this point I know it is my shoes, I stop stretch, walk a little and begin again, but righty is STUBBORN and won't wake the fuck up. So after running .9 miles feeling only half my feet I decided to take off my shoes and walk a little barefoot, as the feeing comes back I run the last .6 miles home.
So now, please tell me what is the answer to this dilemma. Obviously something about these shoes (both pairs) are causing my feet to fall asleep. And I don't know what it is... But I guess the upside is it isn't my feet causing my feet to fall asleep.
Maybe I need to upgrade to the new Bikila LS, with the adjustable speed lace. I do have pretty thick feet, and the I could barely put on the VFF's when I first bought them. And this is the longest and farthest I have worn them. All I know is this is irritating me.
So now, please tell me what is the answer to this dilemma. Obviously something about these shoes (both pairs) are causing my feet to fall asleep. And I don't know what it is... But I guess the upside is it isn't my feet causing my feet to fall asleep.
Maybe I need to upgrade to the new Bikila LS, with the adjustable speed lace. I do have pretty thick feet, and the I could barely put on the VFF's when I first bought them. And this is the longest and farthest I have worn them. All I know is this is irritating me.
Monday, May 2, 2011
Four-mile barrier…
So yesterday, I conquered my four-miler. I have only once previously run that distance. Then I quit running... but not this time. Last night as I was running, around the 2 mile marker I started to question why I was out there running. I was getting tired, my left foot was tingly and I thought, “shit my couch is so much more comfortable than this sidewalk.” But then as I let my mind wander a little I realized all the reasons I had to be thankful for my ability to get out there and run.
It is amazing the things that run through your head when you just turn off the world and listen. There was nothing but the breeze, my crazy ass brain and me. Let me tell you, there is some twisted thoughts running around up there, it’s no wonder I don’t listen much. I scare me, and I make me laugh. I am sure it would have been entertaining seeing me run down the road making alternating offended faces and giggling, but the 3rd and fourth mile just kind of went by…and I didn’t die.
It is amazing the things that run through your head when you just turn off the world and listen. There was nothing but the breeze, my crazy ass brain and me. Let me tell you, there is some twisted thoughts running around up there, it’s no wonder I don’t listen much. I scare me, and I make me laugh. I am sure it would have been entertaining seeing me run down the road making alternating offended faces and giggling, but the 3rd and fourth mile just kind of went by…and I didn’t die.
Saturday, April 30, 2011
1 week down
So this title really has nothing to do with running, but I am just keeping track of the passage of time until my honey and I are living together again. He moved in with my sister in VA last week and I kept pretty busy most of the week with running and work that it wasn't so bad that he wasn't here. But last night sucked, I had no one to talk to and Friday night TV is pretty lame. I took my dog for a walk, I should have ran because it was beautiful, but I haven't ever run 2 days in a row with my VFF's so I am a little hesitant about doing it. I can feel the muscles in my feet building. They have been a little sore (not pain, but usage sore) so I don't want to overwork them. I figure in 5 weeks when I step up to my half marathon training I will have to start running 4 times a week so that will involve 2 days in a row, but until then I am building slowly.
Tonight I am going to do a 4 miler... N~ has his girlfriend over and she is leaving at nine PM, so I want to squeeze my run in before we drop her off. That means leaving a 17 & 18 year old alone in the house together. I sure hope that they keep their pants on. I am going to tell them that I may be running 1 mile or 10, but I am not telling so keep your hands to yourself.
I was going to keep using the Ease to 10K program but I am kind of sick of the run walk thing. SO this week I switched back over to the Hal Higdon's 10K novice trainer. I am also using him for the 1/2 training too. So off to cook up some curry... well attempt to anyway. I am sure that is going to sit well when I run, we will see.
Tonight I am going to do a 4 miler... N~ has his girlfriend over and she is leaving at nine PM, so I want to squeeze my run in before we drop her off. That means leaving a 17 & 18 year old alone in the house together. I sure hope that they keep their pants on. I am going to tell them that I may be running 1 mile or 10, but I am not telling so keep your hands to yourself.
I was going to keep using the Ease to 10K program but I am kind of sick of the run walk thing. SO this week I switched back over to the Hal Higdon's 10K novice trainer. I am also using him for the 1/2 training too. So off to cook up some curry... well attempt to anyway. I am sure that is going to sit well when I run, we will see.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Phone post
So I am at work, but I am done listening to people argue about timelines, so here is a quick post about my newest reason for excitement. I emailed my family last night to tell everyone officially about my impending move. In doing that I also let them know that I am running a half marathon in December. I extended an invite to all on the mailing list... I had a taker. My sister J~, who is pretty athletic is going to run too. Now honestly I am freaking out a little, until now everyone who committed hadn't ever run that distance, I had a little piece of me who knew if I didn't follow through they probably wouldn't either (that sounds bad but don't judge, I am not yet fully confident in my body's ability to carry me 13.1 miles). Now I feel like I can't quit, it's a blessing really, but it is making me a little nervous..
Monday, April 25, 2011
Trained by a Bitch
Yesterday I went out running twice in one day. I got up early because it was moving day for K~, he starts his new job in Virginia today. (I can’t wait to know the details of my transition to VA. Incessantly checking my email 45 times an hour is getting old. I just want some plan to be able to plan/execute…wait back to the story…) So after shooing him out the door at 7:30AM, I changed and got the dog ready for a run. We did our warm up 5-minute walk and then started our first run. About 3 or four minutes into it she decided to stop running. She NEVER does that, but I could tell by the look in her eyes that she wasn’t feeling like running. I promised myself I would never push her, and I would always listen to her subtle cues when we were running. So I stopped and we walked home. I let her off the leash when we are in sight of the house and prompted her with “Run HOME!”, off she went running hard toward the door with me hot on her tail (no pun intended) spurring her on with taunts of “I am going to beat you!” (this would never happen in a million years, she has twice as many legs as I do and weighs over a hundred pounds less). And with her tail wagging and her eyes alight she was begging me for more. She didn’t want to run our normal long slow run. She wanted fast and quick, she wanted to dominate and be happy about it. I am a sucker for the puppy dog eyes, so she won and we did sprints. We didn’t do tons of sprints but enough so that I knew I exerted myself in a new way when I went out alone for my long slow run last night, and today, well today my muscles aren’t really sore, but a little tired.
I actually liked sprinting, it didn’t feel like work, it felt like a girl outside playing with her dog. I think it actually made my evening run more enjoyable, I wasn’t tethered to a leash and I kept my own pace, no potty, poop or sniffing breaks..well none that weren’t my idea.
My speeds weren’t horrible either:
Mile 1: 12:36 (this is with a 5 minute warm up walk) –am guessing without the walk this was in the upper 10’s, that is what it looks like on my graph anyway)
Mile 2: 11:36
Mile 3: 12:16
Not sure about the last .6 miles I’d imagine that time was much slower, because a large portion of it would be the cool down walk.
I decided that I am going to start using my Nike+ GPS app for keeping track of my runs, the Ease into 10K app was off by A LOT, my 3.6 mile run according EI10K was 4.1 miles. I verified the distance with a third source and it matched my Nike+ GPS app, so I guess that is the way to go. I may also start subtracting the warm up and cool down walks so I can get a better indication of my speed.
See my nifty graph from Nike…I am easily amused and the app was cheap, someday I will be in the market for a real GPS but until then I am going with what I have.

There will be 4 runs this week to make up for my 2 runs last week. With K~ gone I should have no real excuses as to why I can’t get my training done. Just the fake excuses I can come up with on a whim. Like, I almost didn’t want to run today because I was going to go to Travel Country ( for those more brave at online shopping than I) and pick up a second pair of VFF’s (classics are on sale), but seeing I couldn’t get the deal in-store I decided it wasn’t worth spending my money on something I couldn’t be sure fit the way I wanted them too. What can I say I am still not a fan of online clothing and footwear shopping, I want to know the fit and the wear ability of something before I pay shipping…any maybe return shipping on it.
I actually liked sprinting, it didn’t feel like work, it felt like a girl outside playing with her dog. I think it actually made my evening run more enjoyable, I wasn’t tethered to a leash and I kept my own pace, no potty, poop or sniffing breaks..well none that weren’t my idea.
My speeds weren’t horrible either:
Mile 1: 12:36 (this is with a 5 minute warm up walk) –am guessing without the walk this was in the upper 10’s, that is what it looks like on my graph anyway)
Mile 2: 11:36
Mile 3: 12:16
Not sure about the last .6 miles I’d imagine that time was much slower, because a large portion of it would be the cool down walk.
I decided that I am going to start using my Nike+ GPS app for keeping track of my runs, the Ease into 10K app was off by A LOT, my 3.6 mile run according EI10K was 4.1 miles. I verified the distance with a third source and it matched my Nike+ GPS app, so I guess that is the way to go. I may also start subtracting the warm up and cool down walks so I can get a better indication of my speed.
See my nifty graph from Nike…I am easily amused and the app was cheap, someday I will be in the market for a real GPS but until then I am going with what I have.
There will be 4 runs this week to make up for my 2 runs last week. With K~ gone I should have no real excuses as to why I can’t get my training done. Just the fake excuses I can come up with on a whim. Like, I almost didn’t want to run today because I was going to go to Travel Country ( for those more brave at online shopping than I) and pick up a second pair of VFF’s (classics are on sale), but seeing I couldn’t get the deal in-store I decided it wasn’t worth spending my money on something I couldn’t be sure fit the way I wanted them too. What can I say I am still not a fan of online clothing and footwear shopping, I want to know the fit and the wear ability of something before I pay shipping…any maybe return shipping on it.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Going Up....
I came to the realization today that I haven’t taken the elevator at work in at least 5 weeks. Well maybe I have been in it once, but it wasn’t my choice, I was going to lunch with the guys and they took the elevator. What was I supposed to do tell them they all needed to take the stairs with me? They do, but that isn’t my place, so I bent to the pressure and took the easy way. But normally I make a conscience effort stairs up the 3 flights to my office. I even try to go outside once a day to see the sun and meander around the building. So that is at least 6 flights up per day…and do the math with me…six flights down. After 5 weeks of that, I thought I would be pretty conditioned to climbing stairs, so today I decided to take them 2 at a time and you know what…it kicked my ass. I am once again humbled. No worries though, the stairs may have won this battle, but not the war.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
for 'vette
a friend of mine wanted to know about experiences with VFFs so here are some of my opinions. i love em...
*********the following is an exerpt from an old blog on a site that doesn't exist any more that explains why I migrated to VFFs******
I decided a while back that I wanted to be a minimalist runner. Like running barefoot. There were multiple things that lead me to this decision. I will walk you through an abridged version. I originally bought Nike running shoes, for extra support of my arches and lots of cushion for my knees. All was well until I hit about 3 weeks into my running when my hip started KILLING me. I switched shoes to my New Balance, I love New Balance. They were much less cushy and I was really hitting my stride in them. I had even worked up to 4 miles (longest I have EVER run in my life). But my left knee was starting to bug me a little bit (PFS). So after doing some research I looked into VFF's. There were multiple claims to helping resolve the nagging bits that develop over a period of running. So I bought a pair of Bakila's and I loved the way they felt on my feet. I worked up slowly to be able to run a few miles in them. They take some real adjustment. You have to rework your whole style of running. <-- that was written after the adjustment period, the one below was before I was adjusted…
This a quote form my blog in November, right after I got the VFF’s
“I bought new running shoes. Vibram Five Fingers (google em, they're funny looking) Then I ran in them once, only about .5 miles. I couldn't walk for 2 days. So I allowed myself to take the week off to recover.” <--I thought my calves were going to fall off… no joke. I had never experienced pain in that way before in my life
You REALLY have to EASE into them…
*********the following is an exerpt from an old blog on a site that doesn't exist any more that explains why I migrated to VFFs******
I decided a while back that I wanted to be a minimalist runner. Like running barefoot. There were multiple things that lead me to this decision. I will walk you through an abridged version. I originally bought Nike running shoes, for extra support of my arches and lots of cushion for my knees. All was well until I hit about 3 weeks into my running when my hip started KILLING me. I switched shoes to my New Balance, I love New Balance. They were much less cushy and I was really hitting my stride in them. I had even worked up to 4 miles (longest I have EVER run in my life). But my left knee was starting to bug me a little bit (PFS). So after doing some research I looked into VFF's. There were multiple claims to helping resolve the nagging bits that develop over a period of running. So I bought a pair of Bakila's and I loved the way they felt on my feet. I worked up slowly to be able to run a few miles in them. They take some real adjustment. You have to rework your whole style of running. <-- that was written after the adjustment period, the one below was before I was adjusted…
This a quote form my blog in November, right after I got the VFF’s
“I bought new running shoes. Vibram Five Fingers (google em, they're funny looking) Then I ran in them once, only about .5 miles. I couldn't walk for 2 days. So I allowed myself to take the week off to recover.” <--I thought my calves were going to fall off… no joke. I had never experienced pain in that way before in my life
You REALLY have to EASE into them…
glancing back, running forward
Today I decided to try to log onto my old Nike+ account. Apparently, I have a memory like an elephant because I logged in first try. I wanted to see my progress during my last running cycle. See where exactly I fell off the wagon. Who ever thought that run history would come in handy. I was pleased to see that I am not running that much slower then I was last fall. Ironically it was not long after I got my Vibram Five Fingers that I quit, great investment in +$100 shoes. I had a lot of calf pain when I first started to run in them. My hip and joint pain went away as soon as I started using them but then… calves from hell. I really wanted to highlight was that I STOPPED running regularly in December last year. Essentially my last run was December 13…then there were a smattering of runs (no more than 3 miles until I really quit on February 3.
March 13 was my official comeback day…. I am already running distances equal to those I was at the end of my training; I guess I haven’t lost too much. I am also running exclusively in my VFF’s. I can’t even explain how awkward it is to put on normal running shoes, I tried one day and only made it to the front door before I changed out of them. I like the minimalist feel. I can tell when I am pushing too hard. There is sensory response from body parts that used to be buried in cushion. I haven’t even gotten a blister since I switched, I kind of thought that having stuff between your toes would cause more friction, but they fit like a glove. I did end up with some hot spots yesterday right where the balls of my feet meet my arch, but after doing some research I found other people who have had these problems in VFF’s attribute it to poor form. I believe that because I was really struggling last night and I could hear my feet kind of slapping the ground a little near the end. Next run…CONCENTRATE ON FORM.
I haven’t been running 3x a week like I am supposed to but that is my goal for this week. I believe that my feet and legs are fully adjusted to the VFFs and I don’t get calf pain anymore. In fact I don’t even really get sore muscles, sometimes they are a bit tired..but never sore. It’s strange…maybe it’s a result of the mid-foot strike, or could it be I am a baby and don’t push myself hard enough? I do know that I need to start a better stretching routine. I tend to rush the stretching a little so that can hurry up and update either my dailymile account or this blog. I don’t want to risk an injury because I am shortchanging my legs. I was enjoying Yoga at the Y, but I don’t have that membership anymore and I stopped going because the woman was too aggressive in her practice and I was too proud not to push myself and wouldn’t you know, I hurt myself... and now I am scared to find a new Yoga spot.
March 13 was my official comeback day…. I am already running distances equal to those I was at the end of my training; I guess I haven’t lost too much. I am also running exclusively in my VFF’s. I can’t even explain how awkward it is to put on normal running shoes, I tried one day and only made it to the front door before I changed out of them. I like the minimalist feel. I can tell when I am pushing too hard. There is sensory response from body parts that used to be buried in cushion. I haven’t even gotten a blister since I switched, I kind of thought that having stuff between your toes would cause more friction, but they fit like a glove. I did end up with some hot spots yesterday right where the balls of my feet meet my arch, but after doing some research I found other people who have had these problems in VFF’s attribute it to poor form. I believe that because I was really struggling last night and I could hear my feet kind of slapping the ground a little near the end. Next run…CONCENTRATE ON FORM.
I haven’t been running 3x a week like I am supposed to but that is my goal for this week. I believe that my feet and legs are fully adjusted to the VFFs and I don’t get calf pain anymore. In fact I don’t even really get sore muscles, sometimes they are a bit tired..but never sore. It’s strange…maybe it’s a result of the mid-foot strike, or could it be I am a baby and don’t push myself hard enough? I do know that I need to start a better stretching routine. I tend to rush the stretching a little so that can hurry up and update either my dailymile account or this blog. I don’t want to risk an injury because I am shortchanging my legs. I was enjoying Yoga at the Y, but I don’t have that membership anymore and I stopped going because the woman was too aggressive in her practice and I was too proud not to push myself and wouldn’t you know, I hurt myself... and now I am scared to find a new Yoga spot.
Monday, April 18, 2011
on current trajectory...
So today I mapped out my training plan, I have to keep myself occupied somehow. I am done with 3 weeks of Ease Into 10K. Continuing on this path I will be done with the 10k training by June 5! I planned out my ½ marathon training strategy too. I am going to do two rounds of the Hal Higdon half marathon trainer, one at novice level and one at intermediate level. The novice is mostly just for conditioning yourself to run 13.1, the intermediate one works in some speed work and tempo runs. I am hoping that by then I will actually know what those things mean and that they will help improve my speed.
It must be fate because as I was looking at my training plan and comparing it to the races that I picked out of thin air my training aligned and I will be right on track to complete those races. The week I am supposed to run a 10 miler… there is a 10 miler sponsored by an Ale House (running followed by beer, what is better than that). Then during my second round of half training there is a 10K the week I am supposed to run a 10K. Something is at work here, the running gods are aligning to encourage my progress.
I will finish my second round of training 3 weeks before my inaugural 13.1 mile run. So to space it right I am going to do repeats of week 10 and 11. Week 12 ends with the HALF MARATHON!!! And if I fall off the wagon a little…I have a bit of time in there for cushion.
It must be fate because as I was looking at my training plan and comparing it to the races that I picked out of thin air my training aligned and I will be right on track to complete those races. The week I am supposed to run a 10 miler… there is a 10 miler sponsored by an Ale House (running followed by beer, what is better than that). Then during my second round of half training there is a 10K the week I am supposed to run a 10K. Something is at work here, the running gods are aligning to encourage my progress.
I will finish my second round of training 3 weeks before my inaugural 13.1 mile run. So to space it right I am going to do repeats of week 10 and 11. Week 12 ends with the HALF MARATHON!!! And if I fall off the wagon a little…I have a bit of time in there for cushion.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Here I am again picking races and attempting to actually train for a half-marathon
Last July my bestie called me up and said, wanna train for the Disney Princess Half Marathon?? After I got done laughing until my side hurt (I have/had never run more than 4 miles at one time in my life) I decided what do I have to lose besides a little time. The gains seemed so much better than the lost TV time. So I started training, did the C25k program and in 8 weeks I was running 3 miles. I managed to work up to 4 miles then my bestie fell off the running band wagon, then something else happened, then I got lazy, then it got cold (yes, I am aware that 40 isn’t cold anywhere else but in FL). Before I knew it the habit I had tried so hard to make was broken. I convinced myself “I was never meant to be a runner”. I have every excuse in the book. I probably would have forgotten all about the half and buried my defeat in the back of my mind never to be pondered again…but I didn’t. You know why I didn’t forget, because a girl I knew in HS, a girl who was no different than I was, (in fact I’d say in HS we were pretty similar in body structure) never thin always carrying a little extra weight trained and ran a half marathon one short month before I was supposed to run mine. And she kicked that 13.1 miles ass, and fell in love with running.
I wanted that to be my story. Watching her progression unfold I was envious of her new found passion, and her new found ass (but more her passion). So I picked my head out of my… well you know where, and I started running again off and on, a couple miles here and a couple there. I kept thinking, I will fall back into a habit. But I am coming to realize it isn’t as easy as that, I need a goal I need something to strive for. So today, when I should be doing something constructive like working, or writing thank yous to the 9 departments that interviewed me at the beginning of the week, I find myself day dreaming about running.
I have been running pretty regularly for the past month. I manage about 2-3 runs per week, I am working on consistency and making 2-3 turn into 3-4. I was traveling this month and some last month, but that is over for a little while so I am rededicating myself to training. I went online and picked a race that I want to train for in Virginia. I am moving in the next few months. My hubby is moving in 2 weeks, and I will follow at a date yet to be determined, but most likely June or July. I am moving to or near Fredericksburg, so I started looking near there for a half marathon in the fall/early winter. I found one… it’s called VA Runner Blue and Grey Half Marathon, registration costs a whopping $39.00. And it is put on by a local running club. I may end up joining after my transition. I am going to be a runner…I am going to be a runner…I am going to be a runner. That is my new mantra. And I am sure I will be singing it the whole way on 12/11/11 when I am running my first half marathon.
I also picked out a 10k to run in October, it’s the Spotsy YMCA 10k, and there is a 10 miler (16.1k…if I have trained up to that distance) in August. I am kind of excited about building distance and actually being able to run 6.2 and 10 and 13.1 miles without dying.
I still hope to be able to swing the Disney Half in January 2012, but I needed a finish line that will be executable regardless of funding. I know that I can afford $39.00, no matter the circumstances.
So, here’s to tangible finish lines and realistic goals.
I wanted that to be my story. Watching her progression unfold I was envious of her new found passion, and her new found ass (but more her passion). So I picked my head out of my… well you know where, and I started running again off and on, a couple miles here and a couple there. I kept thinking, I will fall back into a habit. But I am coming to realize it isn’t as easy as that, I need a goal I need something to strive for. So today, when I should be doing something constructive like working, or writing thank yous to the 9 departments that interviewed me at the beginning of the week, I find myself day dreaming about running.
I have been running pretty regularly for the past month. I manage about 2-3 runs per week, I am working on consistency and making 2-3 turn into 3-4. I was traveling this month and some last month, but that is over for a little while so I am rededicating myself to training. I went online and picked a race that I want to train for in Virginia. I am moving in the next few months. My hubby is moving in 2 weeks, and I will follow at a date yet to be determined, but most likely June or July. I am moving to or near Fredericksburg, so I started looking near there for a half marathon in the fall/early winter. I found one… it’s called VA Runner Blue and Grey Half Marathon, registration costs a whopping $39.00. And it is put on by a local running club. I may end up joining after my transition. I am going to be a runner…I am going to be a runner…I am going to be a runner. That is my new mantra. And I am sure I will be singing it the whole way on 12/11/11 when I am running my first half marathon.
I also picked out a 10k to run in October, it’s the Spotsy YMCA 10k, and there is a 10 miler (16.1k…if I have trained up to that distance) in August. I am kind of excited about building distance and actually being able to run 6.2 and 10 and 13.1 miles without dying.
I still hope to be able to swing the Disney Half in January 2012, but I needed a finish line that will be executable regardless of funding. I know that I can afford $39.00, no matter the circumstances.
So, here’s to tangible finish lines and realistic goals.
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Sports Bra Review
Since I have started running my biggest hassle has been my ability to find a great sports bra for under $40. What can I say, I am cheap. My problem in the past has been that I HATE UNI boob, but I dealt with it because I never did many high impact sports so the jiggle didn't bother me too much. But once I started running, my 38Ds were dancing to their own beat. I had some old style uniboob bras, but they just weren't keeping the motion down enough. Plus all my sporting gear was a few years old and bought when I was in better shape (ie. smaller titties).
So my journey started out at the Nike outlet. I love the outlet. I can get so much stuff for so much cheaper than retail. And 2x a year I get really great coupons. I found a bra that I thought would fit great, tired it on, jumped around a little and was satisfied with the results. When I strapped my ladies in for their first run I was thinking, finally a bra that will work for a large chested lady. After the first run the stupid bra had eaten my boob. I had an aweful raw spot under my right breast. I actually didn't notice it until I jumped in the shower and lathered up..HOLY CRAP that stung. So then I had to start double bagging because the support was good but the rubbing was not so good. Faulty placement of a seam. My quest continued..... and continued... I went to Sports Authority and I think I tried on every sports bra know to man. I was really sad and my patient husband was getting restless, but he was a good sport. Then I saw it...the mother of all sports bras, it looked like armor for my ladies.
It's a little hard to riggle into but once I am in there...NO MOTION. That's right NO MOTION FOR MY 38D's. A dream come true.
Here's the picture in case you want one. It runs $39.00 at Sports Authority and 40 online. I love the underwire. And I love that it is a racerback and there is a claps on the back and adjustable straps as well. I have run in this bra 3 times. No RUB, no RASH. No BOUNCE....

So my journey started out at the Nike outlet. I love the outlet. I can get so much stuff for so much cheaper than retail. And 2x a year I get really great coupons. I found a bra that I thought would fit great, tired it on, jumped around a little and was satisfied with the results. When I strapped my ladies in for their first run I was thinking, finally a bra that will work for a large chested lady. After the first run the stupid bra had eaten my boob. I had an aweful raw spot under my right breast. I actually didn't notice it until I jumped in the shower and lathered up..HOLY CRAP that stung. So then I had to start double bagging because the support was good but the rubbing was not so good. Faulty placement of a seam. My quest continued..... and continued... I went to Sports Authority and I think I tried on every sports bra know to man. I was really sad and my patient husband was getting restless, but he was a good sport. Then I saw it...the mother of all sports bras, it looked like armor for my ladies.
It's a little hard to riggle into but once I am in there...NO MOTION. That's right NO MOTION FOR MY 38D's. A dream come true.
Here's the picture in case you want one. It runs $39.00 at Sports Authority and 40 online. I love the underwire. And I love that it is a racerback and there is a claps on the back and adjustable straps as well. I have run in this bra 3 times. No RUB, no RASH. No BOUNCE....

Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Travel, Treadmills and Tornados
That my friends is the trifecta derailing my training. I haven't gotten out there in a week. I managed one treadmill run on my week of travel, but then I started sleeping instead of running. Then when I got back... rain from 5am to midnight Monday. Today is tornado watches/warnings and 74 mph wind gusts with sideways rain I really hope it stops soon so I can get out there. I may be off to join the gym this evening if not. GRRRR!!!
Friday, March 18, 2011
1 week down
I finished week one of my ease to 10K, and today wasn't so bad. My speed increased by 45 seconds per mile just this week, which makes me not feel too horrible. But I am still sad about the 30-60 seconds slower I am since I was running regularly. Time will fix this too...right??
Overall I can say that my first week wasn't so bad. I like that it's light out while I run now, and I hate that it's light out when I run. I have an overall aversion to others when I run. I don't like people watching my laDies flop around and my thighs sing as they rub together. But at the same time I very much enjoy seeing the sunset, I like breaking a little bit of a sweat and I yearn for the day that I can run 5 miles with out realizing and when my thighs remain silent the entire run. That will be the day, but until then I am going to embrace every run...enjoyable or not, watch out people, the LaDies are coming!!
Overall I can say that my first week wasn't so bad. I like that it's light out while I run now, and I hate that it's light out when I run. I have an overall aversion to others when I run. I don't like people watching my laDies flop around and my thighs sing as they rub together. But at the same time I very much enjoy seeing the sunset, I like breaking a little bit of a sweat and I yearn for the day that I can run 5 miles with out realizing and when my thighs remain silent the entire run. That will be the day, but until then I am going to embrace every run...enjoyable or not, watch out people, the LaDies are coming!!
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
2 part blog...
So tonight is my second run of the ease to 10K. I was supposed to run yesterday, but one of the side effects of the VFF is really tight calves. I don't know how to explain the tightness, it is different than other sore muscle pain. It isn't like tight quads that you can feel the slight burn all day long, it's a stealthy pain you forget about it until you get up and then your calves scream and you hobble your first 3 steps until you win the fight with your muscles to relax. From then on you're OK, until the next time you sit and forget your calves again. But other than body felt great, no soreness, no pain.
I figure that part of EASEing into 10K is listening to your body, and my body said "NO, you will not run today". But I was only willing to listen to my body for one day. Tonight I will do my duty and run my run. Last time I was running in my VFFs it only took a couple days to adjust and not experience the calf pain. I hope this transition goes just as quickly.
I will post an update to this entry when I get back from my run... funny...i am writing this like I have followers. I don't. But it's out there in cyberspace for all to enjoy.
Well I am back from my run. I made it 2 miles run/walk. No pain in my calves except a little tiredness during the run. That is understandable seeing I haven't run since December and that was just once or twice cause I fell off the proverbial running sneaker.
Glad I had an uneventful run, I will be happy when my runs are actually long....
I figure that part of EASEing into 10K is listening to your body, and my body said "NO, you will not run today". But I was only willing to listen to my body for one day. Tonight I will do my duty and run my run. Last time I was running in my VFFs it only took a couple days to adjust and not experience the calf pain. I hope this transition goes just as quickly.
I will post an update to this entry when I get back from my run... funny...i am writing this like I have followers. I don't. But it's out there in cyberspace for all to enjoy.
Well I am back from my run. I made it 2 miles run/walk. No pain in my calves except a little tiredness during the run. That is understandable seeing I haven't run since December and that was just once or twice cause I fell off the proverbial running sneaker.
Glad I had an uneventful run, I will be happy when my runs are actually long....
Sunday, March 13, 2011
ease to 10K

OK, so today something finally clicked and I got off my duff, put on my running clothes, velcroed up my shoes and pushed myself out the door. 30 minutes later I felt almost accomplished. I don't know what comedy of errors made me stop running during the holidays. I think it was partly the fact that I had reached a spot where I had never been before...the 4 mile mark. I NEVER ran that far in my life. As I looked at the training plan it got scary for me. I talked myself right out of my desire to become a runner. Then it became easy to make the excuses. I was tired, I was lazy, I was giving up. Fast forward 3-3.5 months and here we are today. My muscles I had been grooming are wasting away I am out of breath going up the 3 flights of stairs to work. I am almost right back where I started. But I know I haven't lost all my stamina so I didn't want to start over. I went in search of an APP, cause there is always an APP for that.
I downloaded the ease to 10K app from run helper. Today was W1D1- 5 minute warm up, 3 min run/1min walk repeat 5x, 5min cool down. (Probably the perfect starting point, not to hard...and not so wimpy that I feel like a total loser)
Wish me luck on this journey...AGAIN. 10 weeks until I am a 10K runner come hell or high water.
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