Today’s plan: Step 1. Collect underwear …Step 3 profit! ok so maybe that plan was lifted from the underwear gnomes, but I feel like the plan I made makes about as much sense. Maybe it is because I haven’t eaten yet, so I am delirious with hunger and it’s causing me to hallucinate the ability my body has to carry me for 13.1 miles and the time frame I need to do that, but what the fuck I am going to go with the gut here and run 2 half marathons this year… WHAT WHAT WHAT (no really that’s the plan, you’ll discover its genius as you read further)
One of my good friends W~ is getting married on Labor Day Weekend and I will be in NH for that event. That also just happens to be the weekend of the covered bridge half marathon in NH. I love September in NH… I love covered bridges. There are 12-weeks between my move to VA and the Covered Bridge Half Marathon… my sister and I were looking for a race to run that weekend that wasn’t on Monday when I will be driving back to VA or Saturday (wedding day). Covered bridge is on a Sunday!!
Who’s sensing a theme? I AM
I wanted to be able to get through Hal’s training plans 2 times before the December half…so I needed to start training diligently 24 weeks before December 11, 2011.
It turns out with all my backwards planning (starting at the Blue and Gray Half and working through the training schedule back to now) I have time to train for both these events with a recovery week * in between. I also think that I need more races to look forward to, in the back of my mind I know that it only takes 12 weeks to train for a half marathon. With the Blue and Gray so far away, I was having trouble buckling down and training the way I should.
Problem solved. I am now running five 6 races between now and December 11, 2011. There is a 5K, a 5- miler, a 10K, a 10-miler (this one comes with BEER) and 2 half marathons.
This plan also gives me the ability to not feel guilty for sloughing off on my running between now and my move to Virginia. I am packing and I have a house guest… saying “sorry dude I know you are here for the first time in 16 years but I gotta go, be back in an hour, and then you can watch me pack boxes until I go to sleep” seem rude. And I am not usually a rude person, not intentionally anyway.
Here’s my training plans…for both Halfs (I am sure that isn’t a word but I don’t think halves is right in this case). I hope my sister will train for this with me, I know it is an aggressive plan but I know we can do it.

*or 2 depending on my ability to walk after my first half
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