OK, so today something finally clicked and I got off my duff, put on my running clothes, velcroed up my shoes and pushed myself out the door. 30 minutes later I felt almost accomplished. I don't know what comedy of errors made me stop running during the holidays. I think it was partly the fact that I had reached a spot where I had never been before...the 4 mile mark. I NEVER ran that far in my life. As I looked at the training plan it got scary for me. I talked myself right out of my desire to become a runner. Then it became easy to make the excuses. I was tired, I was lazy, I was giving up. Fast forward 3-3.5 months and here we are today. My muscles I had been grooming are wasting away I am out of breath going up the 3 flights of stairs to work. I am almost right back where I started. But I know I haven't lost all my stamina so I didn't want to start over. I went in search of an APP, cause there is always an APP for that.
I downloaded the ease to 10K app from run helper. Today was W1D1- 5 minute warm up, 3 min run/1min walk repeat 5x, 5min cool down. (Probably the perfect starting point, not to hard...and not so wimpy that I feel like a total loser)
Wish me luck on this journey...AGAIN. 10 weeks until I am a 10K runner come hell or high water.
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