Friday, March 18, 2011

1 week down

I finished week one of my ease to 10K, and today wasn't so bad. My speed increased by 45 seconds per mile just this week, which makes me not feel too horrible. But I am still sad about the 30-60 seconds slower I am since I was running regularly. Time will fix this too...right??

Overall I can say that my first week wasn't so bad. I like that it's light out while I run now, and I hate that it's light out when I run. I have an overall aversion to others when I run. I don't like people watching my laDies flop around and my thighs sing as they rub together. But at the same time I very much enjoy seeing the sunset, I like breaking a little bit of a sweat and I yearn for the day that I can run 5 miles with out realizing and when my thighs remain silent the entire run. That will be the day, but until then I am going to embrace every run...enjoyable or not, watch out people, the LaDies are coming!!

1 comment:

  1. I've run a half marathon and I still fear the chub rub. I refuse to run in shorts because I don't want to spend my entire run picking them out of my crotch, I run in capris or runner pants. I know I'm going to have to switch this summer, but after a lifetime as a fat kid it's hard to make the switch. Faster miles and wanting to wear wicked cute compression socks will help :)

    You're RUNNING. Other runners are looking at you and smiling, no matter if they're faster or slower because you're another runner. And people who aren't running... fuck 'em, they're not running.
