So this morning when I woke up at 8am, I immediately put on my running clothes and headed out. That's when I started to realize that once the big ball of fire in the sky is out it is F'ing awful to run. I tried to take a route that would have the sun at my back for most of the way but I think I should have ran into the sun at the beginning of my run and with it at my back once I was nasty sweaty and stinky. I also didn't think to bring sunglasses so I am sure I induced a few wrinkles from all the squinting.
I am terrified of the 20 minute run.....That's tomorrow or monday depending on how I feel.
But moral of the story....I am going to stick my run where the sun don't shine :)
i'm running, just slowly. Gmail locked my email which was linked to my blog. still fighting that out :( This is Eva. not Liz Meriweather. ;)