Today to measure progress I went out and got a nike+ kit. Well only the sensor, my nifty little iphone has the receiver built in. So I went out with my new found toy. I don't think it is quite working correctly (I am not running in Nike+ shoes so I had to kind of rig the sensor). Map my run says that I ran and walked (with warm up... and cool down) 1.99 miles. Map my run said I ran walked 2.3 miles...who knows which one is right....I think it's the map my run.
So after using map my run I estimated I ran (actually RAN) 1.8 miles in 20 minutes. I averaged a 11.11 min/mile. (that math was much harder than it needed to be...I chalk it up to lack of oxygen). My loving husband observed that I wouldn't have passed the Navy PRT... gotta love that support, now he knows why I always swam 'em, I am a shitty runner, but a runner none the less :)
Onto week 6.
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