Monday, August 30, 2010

crapped out

so my dog ditched me...and I only made 1.6 miles running by myself. I got a nasty pain in my right leg, which I promptly used as an excuse to come home.

I will try again tomorrow. I have decided it is more about the process.

After eating nothing nourishing for lunch and skipping breakfast I can't blame my body for the revolt.

Oh, and I was picked to jump out of the plane...AGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!

Saturday, August 28, 2010


We ran this morning and it was wet. For some reason it has been raining every night. I am not complaining though it means my runs are only 80-86 degrees instead of 90-96.

Dixie thought is was fun to run through the puddles to cool off. I know that she will start kicking my ass once the weather turns cooler but until then I am enjoying the fact that she is as tired as me when we get done.

Off for the weekend. I am bringing my running clothes in hopes of maybe running in an air conditioned gym tomorrow morning. That sounds like heaven!!!

This week I didn't manage to get all my runs in because of the big 3-0...but I am making up for it by running today and tomorrow so I don't lose any ground.

ON a side note: I may get to jump out of a plane on my "business trip" ... awesome job :) Hope they pull my name out of the HAT. Just think how much fun it will be to fall from the sky strapped to a complete stranger while screaming your brains out. Not bad for a days work.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

too FULL, too TIRED, too THIRSTY

I was tricked... Keith told me he was thinking of going to trivia tonight so I ate more than I would have because I thought I wouldn't be running tonight. So I ran through some heartburn and a few puddles (it rained all day).

My title sums up my feeling for today's run. The only other thing I need to add is that I want pepper spray. There is a car that has driven past me 1 too many times for my comfort, and Dixie just isn't very intimidating soooo... Where does one get pepper spray?

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Strange week

So I posted after the first run of the week and it went was all downhill from there trying to run day 2. I tried 2 times to do it...first Friday night was all thunder and lightening then Saturday morning at 9am it was 86 degree and 84% humidity. I only made it a mile. It was truly awful. So I just gave up and called it done.

I thought today was going to be a failure also because it was raining and storming much of the day...then like a sign it stopped at 7:30. What a good thing for me. The run was almost enjoyable today. It was only about 76 degrees. Like a preview of fall, I can't wait for fall. I can't remember the last time is was 76 degrees.

My Nike+ said I ran 3.15 mile with warm up and cool down. Of that 2.4 miles was running. Go me..

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

A little Lazy

So I was a little lazy yesterday, got in my clothes but never made it out the door. But today I did what I was supposed to do and went on my run.

I used different shoes (Nike+ ones) and now it said I ran 2.89 miles (impossible) I am going to map my run and see how far I really went. I guess with my walk it may have been that far but it's doubtful.

I am going to shower now.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

20 minute run

Today to measure progress I went out and got a nike+ kit. Well only the sensor, my nifty little iphone has the receiver built in. So I went out with my new found toy. I don't think it is quite working correctly (I am not running in Nike+ shoes so I had to kind of rig the sensor). Map my run says that I ran and walked (with warm up... and cool down) 1.99 miles. Map my run said I ran walked 2.3 miles...who knows which one is right....I think it's the map my run.

So after using map my run I estimated I ran (actually RAN) 1.8 miles in 20 minutes. I averaged a 11.11 min/mile. (that math was much harder than it needed to be...I chalk it up to lack of oxygen). My loving husband observed that I wouldn't have passed the Navy PRT... gotta love that support, now he knows why I always swam 'em, I am a shitty runner, but a runner none the less :)

Onto week 6.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Stick it where the sun don't shine

So it has been a very busy week and today was the first time I managed to do week 5 day 2. Tuesday Keith and I went to see Norah Jones so I went to bed way too late for my 5 am daily wake up. Then Wednesday night I had to get ready for a presentation I had to give on Thursday morning. After work on Thursday I fell asleep at 7pm....and last night I think I managed to keep my eyes open until 8pm.

So this morning when I woke up at 8am, I immediately put on my running clothes and headed out. That's when I started to realize that once the big ball of fire in the sky is out it is F'ing awful to run. I tried to take a route that would have the sun at my back for most of the way but I think I should have ran into the sun at the beginning of my run and with it at my back once I was nasty sweaty and stinky. I also didn't think to bring sunglasses so I am sure I induced a few wrinkles from all the squinting.

I am terrified of the 20 minute run.....That's tomorrow or monday depending on how I feel.

But moral of the story....I am going to stick my run where the sun don't shine :)

Monday, August 9, 2010

Bug SPRAY!!!

I live in FL. You think I would be able to remember bug spray, but no. I always forget. It is really awkward to try and run and scratch your leg, arm or other itchy appendage. But I did manage to complete all three 5 minute runs. But my dilemma now is how to manage to take a shower, while I was out on my run my honey fell asleep in the bedroom and I don't want to wake him up. I guess it's a good thing we have 2 bathrooms.

'till Wednesday....

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Week4 DONE

I wouldn't say it killed me, but I wouldn't say I killed it either. I call it a draw, but in any case on to week 5 Monday.

Next week the pattern starts changing a little. I am a little nervous for the 20 minute run on the last day of next week.

Monday: 5 min walk, 5min run, 3min walk, 5 min run, 3 min walk, 5 min run. Cool down.
Wednesday: 5 min walk, 8 min run, 5 min walk, 8 min run. Cool down
Friday: or Saturday depending on how I feel 5 minute walk, 20 minute run...

I am kind of amazed it is going so fast. I am a little worried because during week9 I will be on a work trip from Tuesday to Friday. So I will have to figure out how to get 1 run in while away. I am not sure how that will work, but I won't let it derail me.

I don't "enjoy" running by any means yet, but I am not hating it either. I do think I am starting to get into the habit of running. I almost look forward to it....almost but not quite.

I would kill for 75 degrees and a light wind, maybe even 80 with a breeze, recently I have been dying in the heat. Is summer over yet?

Oh and today's learning tip: No mexican food before a run.
salsa + run = heartburn

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

3 times in a row

All I am going to say is Yellow lab. This trend is becoming distracting, which makes running go faster I think.

Week4 Day2 done! Off to wash my ass.

Monday, August 2, 2010


So I posted Friday before my run and set out. Week 3 day 3 was going well when during my second walk all of the sudden there was a man running at me. It was kind of dark, not totally dark but the street lights had come on and I was trying to figure out why a man was running at me (Just a little freaky). I didn't see that he was chasing his pitt bull.... luckily for me a super loving playful pit. It could have ended badly but instead it just ended with a lot of sniffing and a shortened walk time. Then during my last run, chased again by a medium sized dog that could really haul ass, but we just ignored him and kept going I am glad he didn't want to stray too far from home. Today Bassett Hound....I really hope that people learn what leashes are, or how to hold onto them. I am thinking of pepper spray as an addition to my running gear.

I went to the Nike store on Saturday and bought some running gear. I had a 30% off coupon, (actually I had 3, the guy in front of me scored big when I handed him one on his way to the counter, he had at least $500 worth of shoes and clothes, took him a minute to realize what I had given him he gave me a big grin and thumbs up...people are funny!).

Today I ran in new compression shorts (what a sexy name for spandex) and a dry-fit shirt. I almost couldn't tell I was sweating. I will never run in cotton gear again. Also as a super score, my armband came one day early, I love amazon prime. If I could only strap my dog leash onto my arm my hands would be free.

I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to make it through the 5 minute run, I kind of panicked when the podcast said you are half way through your 5 minute run. The second one was harder but I pushed through. I hope Wednesday is easier. I saw this link: when I was looking for what next week entails and most people suggest slowing down when you have trouble with a distance. Running slow is still running...and running is getting us from point a to point b.

I don't care if I am running the half marathon at most peoples walk pace...I will finish. At least that is what I tell myself :0

Week 4:
5min warm up, 3min run, 90sec walk, 5min run, 2.5 min run, repeat 1x
cool down