Wednesday, March 16, 2011

2 part blog...

So tonight is my second run of the ease to 10K. I was supposed to run yesterday, but one of the side effects of the VFF is really tight calves. I don't know how to explain the tightness, it is different than other sore muscle pain. It isn't like tight quads that you can feel the slight burn all day long, it's a stealthy pain you forget about it until you get up and then your calves scream and you hobble your first 3 steps until you win the fight with your muscles to relax. From then on you're OK, until the next time you sit and forget your calves again. But other than body felt great, no soreness, no pain.

I figure that part of EASEing into 10K is listening to your body, and my body said "NO, you will not run today". But I was only willing to listen to my body for one day. Tonight I will do my duty and run my run. Last time I was running in my VFFs it only took a couple days to adjust and not experience the calf pain. I hope this transition goes just as quickly.

I will post an update to this entry when I get back from my run... funny...i am writing this like I have followers. I don't. But it's out there in cyberspace for all to enjoy.

Well I am back from my run. I made it 2 miles run/walk. No pain in my calves except a little tiredness during the run. That is understandable seeing I haven't run since December and that was just once or twice cause I fell off the proverbial running sneaker.

Glad I had an uneventful run, I will be happy when my runs are actually long....

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